Canon EOS 5D Mark II First Shot
Posted On
2012 Dec 02
over 12 years ago
Updated On
2022 Dec 31
about 2 years ago
Welcome to the world of Full Frame フルフレームにようこそ!
As I was browsing through my old photos for putting up on the site, I came across my first 5D Mark II image! IMG_0001!
And of course, being the trigger happy me, it escalated quickly to hundreds on the same day!
When the 5D Mark II arrived, I had ordered it with the 16-35 wide-angle lens as well... The lust for wide-angle shots began and lasted for few months.
Thanks to the wide-angle lust, I always remember the distortions and how it pulls people thinner in photos if you're not careful. (Not always a good thing!)
Ahhhh... and yes, all these photos are untouched, it was before I learnt to process with Lightroom
Unboxing and the almighty Manual
The excitement! I think every photographer knows this feeling all too well
Although digital cameras are easy to use, it is a good idea to glance through the manuals especially if you are using a new range of body
Coming from the 500D and wow, the amount of new features and capabilities that can be found just by reading the manual, and importantly for me, be able to use the 5D2's multi-controller by changing the Custom Functions
I wouldn't say the same thing when I bought my 5D Mark III, but I did thoroughly read through the AF section